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Delivered by Anthro

The Anthro joint venture between Egis and VVB Engineering will provide comprehensive turn-key services for London’s state-of-the-art HS2 gateway station at Old Oak Common.

Outcomes-oriented and systems-led, it combines Egis’ expertise in delivering turn-key solutions for major infrastructure projects with VVB Engineering’s extensive self-delivery capability in mechanical, electrical, fire and telecommunications systems.

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Systems before structures

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With digital transformation comes huge opportunities for better working practices and increased efficiencies. The future of infrastructure must be systems-led.

To learn more about the benefits of our approach, watch our systems-led infrastructure (SLI) explainer video, or read our recent piece in The Future of Infrastructure.

Design For Life Complete Design For Life Values Design For Life Systems Led Infrastructure Design For Life DFMA

The Anthro Design for Life Strategy

Rooted in our values, our Design for Life strategy is systems-led and focused on the end result, so we deploy the right specialists at the right time to deliver the project outcomes across the entire Lifecycle.

Our strategy is driven by our values:

  • Care and Collaboration
    Championing teamwork and delivering promises.
  • Ownership and Opportunity
    Providing the best value and leadership.
  • Responsibility and End-result focus
    Creating a positive legacy.
  • Excellence
    Delivering innovation and value for money.

Anthro combines UK self-delivery specialism with European High Speed project expertise. We remain committed to our overarching vision: to deliver innovative and sustainable Mechanical, Electrical, Fire and technology solutions for our Clients, our People and our Environment.

Our Design for Life strategy is driven by our Systems Led approach:

  • Focusing on outcomes ensures every decision is targeted towards achieving TIP 2030 through net zero, ESG, and delivering operable and maintainable systems.
  • Involving specialists earlier, making data-based decisions, focusing on digitalisation and innovation to identify the best solutions.
  • Reducing programme risk and increasing cost certainty by considering integration, handover and maintenance during design.
  • Reducing embodied carbon by focussing on the entire lifecycle and identifying areas for carbon reduction at each stage, whether that be construction, operation or maintenance.

Our Design for Life strategy and systems-led approach is both agile and follows a robust process to identify DfMA opportunities:

  • Focusing on digitalisation and incorporating the RIBA DfMA overlay ensures we make the best outcome-driven choice for every component, on every project.
  • It's bespoke rather than 'one size fits all', so the right DfMA solution is chosen for the need of the project and its outcomes, designed for life.
Design For Life Complete

The Anthro Design for Life Strategy

Rooted in our values, our Design for Life strategy is systems-led and focused on the end result, so we deploy the right specialists at the right time to deliver the project outcomes across the entire Lifecycle.

Design For Life Values

Our strategy is driven by our values:

  • Care and Collaboration
    Championing teamwork and delivering promises.
  • Ownership and Opportunity
    Providing the best value and leadership.
  • Responsibility and End-result focus
    Creating a positive legacy.
  • Excellence
    Delivering innovation and value for money.

Anthro combines UK self-delivery specialism with European High Speed project expertise. We remain committed to our overarching vision: to deliver innovative and sustainable Mechanical, Electrical, Fire and technology solutions for our Clients, our People and our Environment.

Design For Life Systems Led Infrastructure

Our Design for Life strategy is driven by our Systems Led approach:

  • Focusing on outcomes ensures every decision is targeted towards achieving TIP 2030 through net zero, ESG, and delivering operable and maintainable systems.
  • Involving specialists earlier, making data-based decisions, focusing on digitalisation and innovation to identify the best solutions.
  • Reducing programme risk and increasing cost certainty by considering integration, handover and maintenance during design.
  • Reducing embodied carbon by focussing on the entire lifecycle and identifying areas for carbon reduction at each stage, whether that be construction, operation or maintenance.
Design For Life DFMA

Our Design for Life strategy and systems-led approach is both agile and follows a robust process to identify DfMA opportunities:

  • Focusing on digitalisation and incorporating the RIBA DfMA overlay ensures we make the best outcome-driven choice for every component, on every project.
  • It's bespoke rather than 'one size fits all', so the right DfMA solution is chosen for the need of the project and its outcomes, designed for life.

Why Anthro?

Flourishing systems: re-envisioning infrastructure as a platform for human flourishing encourages us to view infrastructure as ‘a system of systems in the service of people’. The term ‘civil engineering’ itself is engineering in service of the people.

The TIP Roadmap states that the Government must ‘incentivise the delivery of outcomes rather than outputs.’ The UK is on a pathway to more interconnected, mutually beneficial, digitally driven infrastructure - and Anthro is at the forefront of engineering it.

Anthro is a forward-looking answer to these needs. Putting the people front and centre, it’s an approach to societal development that looks out rather than in, to create a built environment that functions in the best interests of the people that use it.

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Find out more about Anthro